Enhancing Organisational Effectiveness through Interlevel Culture Measurement
A crucial factor to foster a cohesive and high-performing organisation and develop greater business performance is to ensure that the desired key values permeate throughout every level of the organisation. My doctoral research thesis, titled “An Investigation into Organisational Culture Permeation and its Impact on Traits for Improved Organisation Performance,” investigated this essential aspect of organisational development and performance. The primary objective of the research was to examine the impact of organisational culture permeation on traits that contribute to improved organisational performance. Following a pragmatic philosophy I conducted in-depth mixed-methods research on different-sized companies from different sectors. The findings of the research coupled with my own leadership experience have led to the design of the 360 CPS. A survey instrument designed to help organisational leaders assess the extent to which their intended and desired cultural values permeate through every level of their organisation. The 360 CPS is designed to uncover any blockages to culture permeation and provide a complete view of your organisation’s cultural alignment.
Between Hierarchy Measurement: The 360 CPS differs from the traditional approach which commonly aggregates organisational cultural measurement and neglects the between-level dynamics. Instead, the 360 CPS identifies specific areas where culture permeation may be hindered or misaligned.
Improved Culture Alignment: By utilising the 360 CPS, organisations can proactively monitor the effectiveness of their culture permeation efforts. This enables targeted interventions and adjustments to align discrepancies between the espoused values and actual practices.
Enhancing Organisational Performance: When the desired culture permeates throughout the entire organisation, it can positively impact overall effectiveness and performance.
My PhD research supports the significance of culture permeation and the need for a more comprehensive measurement tool. The research also identifies how values and leadership are at the core of effective cultural permeation. The 360 Culture Permeation Survey provides a mechanism to identify problems between levels. This provides leaders with a more complete picture allowing them to address and actively shape their desired organisational culture and ensure it aligns with their values across all levels, ultimately creating an organisational environment that is more conducive to effectiveness and performance.
To find out more and for a free consultation as to how the 360 Culture Permeation Survey can help you to improve your own organisation’s effectiveness and performance, please contact us.